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Can I Clean Helmet a Visor With Alcohol?

The helmet’s role in protecting you from head injuries and bad weather means it should always be clean. Even if the Helmet Gurus help you buy the best helmet ever, it won’t help you much if it is dirty. The need for helmet cleaning has made some people wonder whether they can use alcohol to clean the helmet, especially the visor. 

The Role of Alcohol in Cleaning

You may wonder why people want to use alcohol for cleaning. Well, using alcohol makes sense since it’s a potent cleaning agent. Isopropyl alcohol, which many call rubbing alcohol, is an especially strong cleaning agent. The alcohol works because it dissolves stubborn stains like oil and grease. The dissolution allows the stains to break away from the helmet material.

In fact, many manufacturers use alcohol as an ingredient in their cleaning products, especially household cleaners and disinfectants. Those who read product ingredients have probably seen alcohol as one of them and wondered whether they could use pure alcohol on helmets.

Read more: Best rated modular motorcycle helmet - helmetgurus

Pros and Cons of Alcohol in Visor Cleaning

Even though alcohol is a good cleaning agent, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should use it to clean your helmet. First, you should know that different helmets feature different materials. Check out the helmet reviews on Helmet Gurus to see the different materials. Polycarbonate, carbon fiber, and fiberglass are common helmet materials. 

Unfortunately, alcohol can damage some materials. For example, polycarbonate (a plastic) is susceptible to damage from harsh chemicals, including alcohol. High-concentration alcohol is especially risky as a helmet-washing liquid.

In high concentrations, the alcohol can:

  • Weaken the material, making it susceptible to cracking, clouding, or surface crazing

  • Strip away the visor’s protective coating, reducing its antiglare properties and making it susceptible to scratching

In addition to damage risk, alcohol can leave your helmet with streaks or residues of the stains it dissolves. The streaks or residues appear because alcohol evaporates fast, so it can evaporate before washing away all the stains.

Lastly, note that alcohol is a general term for several forms of fermented products. Some of these products have additives that might damage your helmet. Therefore, even if you want to use alcohol for cleaning, ensure you know all the ingredients in it.

Read more: Finding the right motorcycle helmet at helmetguruscom

Alternatives to Alcohol

You can use alcohol to clean your helmet, especially in low concentrations. However, the risks of doing so mean you should consider safer alternatives first. For example, many motorcyclists clean their helmets with mild soap and warm water. You just need a soft washcloth to wash and rinse the helmet with clean water. Avoid hot water since it might warp the helmet material.

You can use helmet cleaners, especially visor cleaners that manufacturers specifically make for this purpose, for stubborn stains. Say you enjoyed your weekend by riding off-road on dusty trails, and your helmet is extremely dusty now. Maybe you handled the helmet with oily hands. Use helmet cleaners formulated for removing such stains without damaging the helmet.

In short, take care whenever you clean your helmet visor. Even if you like experimenting with things, you should not experiment with cleaning solutions on your helmet. Otherwise, you will soon be back on Helmet Gurus shopping for a new helmet. 

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